"To push the boundaries, you need to know where the edges are." - Mark Boulton

Friday, June 29, 2012

Richard Meier

I researched the architect Richard Meier and designed this poster to represent him. He is from the United States and received his architectural education from Cornell University. He has designed famous buildings in the United States as well as in Europe. I chose to discuss the Jubilee Church in Rome, Italy, the Getty Center in Los Angeles, California, and the Westchester House in New York as my main focuses on his work and ethic. He has his own practice and is interested in designing his buildings with the color white. He is an architect who loves architecture and creates beautiful buildings that shine from wherever they are.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Monday Afternoon

These stairs are on campus near Carpenter Hall. It was around 4PM when I sketched them so the sun was still pretty high. The shadow from the railing hit the center of the staircase in a zig-zag pattern and the side wall was in the shade. I decided to sketch the stairs from an angle instead of straight on.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Principles of Design

The principles of design  are the verbs of the design language. The principles tell people how to compose the parts of design. The "parts" of design are the elements. The image above shows a poster which explains the various types of principles. The images used are from the Renaissance time period.

Elements of Design

The elements of design are "the parts that make up the whole". The elements are the nouns of the design language. Above is a poster using examples from the Renaissance time period to help explain what each element of design means and how it is used in nature and society. A lot of the references are architectural as well as residing in art during the time.

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Different Igor

Here is an attempt in replicating one of Picasso's works Igor but with a twist. I was replicating the image upside down as well as not looking at the image as a whole but focusing only on the lines and their movement.

Sketching in the Sun

In this sketch I was focusing on how the light hit the trees and how it reflected through the branches. This was still a contour sketch so a lot of the detail of the trees are absent.

Leaf Negative

This sketch is about understanding negative space. Although the leaves were the subject of the sketch I was more focused on the contour of the leaves and its shape rather than the detail of each leaf.

Digital Palouse

The Palouse in Eastern Washington is what surrounds me while I study. This digital rendition of the Palouse is an interpretation of the environment I am immersed in. The simple rolling hills that scour the Palouse covers the land in this region. Though this was my first attempt at Adobe Illustrator I wanted to portray the simpleness of the land: the green and brown of the vegetation against the blue sky. I colored the car in the foreground in more bright, vibrant colors to stand out from the landscape. Creating this image was a good first step to understanding Illustrator. I am now more acquainted with the tools on the program. My next step will be to create detail. More sketches are soon to come!

Design Philosophy Statement

To be honest, interior design was not my initial interest while searching for a suitable field of study. For most of my life I believed architecture was my passion and so I pursued it as a major. As time has gone on, I have come to realize that the type of design I want to be involved in is one with less structure and less boundaries. I am not far in studying interior design but I am enjoying the experience so far. I do want to say that I have not lost my interest in architecture. Architecture has always been intriguing to me and I will make a point to stay involved in the "architectural world" (well at least during my studies). Design is an art that inspires society and aids people in living. I want to be able to create that formality for the people so they can live comfortably.